Let us help you cut through the chatter and get started on that new porch you really want!

At Archadeck of Columbus, we want to make it easy for you to search for the best porch builder in your area. If your home is in the greater Columbus area, Archadeck of Columbus is the best porch builder near you!
Searching for “porch contractors near me”?
Front porch, back porch, open porch, screened porch! No matter what kind of porch you want to add to your home, you’ve come to the right place! Archadeck of Columbus has been designing and building porches for more than 18 years. Whether you’re adding your first porch or replacing one that no longer meets your needs, we have the expertise you’re searching for.

Archadeck of Columbus is more than a porch contractor. We are a high-quality design-and-build firm creating outdoor living spaces of all kinds. When it comes to porches, we do more than just build porches. We custom design all of our porches, one at a time. With Archadeck of Columbus, you’ll have a porch designed just for you, a porch you’ll love for many years to come.
Ask more than “who builds porches near me?”
Ask who will take the time to sit down with you and talk about the reasons you want a new porch. Ask who will walk you through a comprehensive needs analysis to determine what type of porch will best meet your needs. Ask which Columbus-area porch designer is the most client-focused porch designer and builder around. The answer? Archadeck of Columbus, in every case.

The way we arrive at the perfect porch for each client is by getting a thorough understanding of what you want from a porch. Talk with us! Have you been looking at porches online and getting great ideas? Share them with us. How would you describe the porches that most resonate with you? What would your dream porch look like?
Porch companies near me: Building open porches and screened porches
If you already have an open porch, you may want to add a screened porch, or vice versa. At Archadeck of Columbus, we also see the double pleasure of having both an open porch and a screened porch!

Open porches or ”covered porches” have a roof but are not enclosed with screens. Open porches don’t need doors! One reason why open porches work so well on the front of a home is that they present no barrier between you and people passing by. A screen provides a certain degree of privacy, so without screens, you can see your neighbors and they can see you.

In some neighborhoods, the tradition of sitting on the front porch and inviting neighbors to stop by still thrives. You could even say an open front porch is quite neighborly!
Read more in our feature story Power to the Porches! A Porch Can Transform Your Home!