During these very unusual times, we want to take the opportunity to advise you of our business status. Many are unsure if we are open for business. Some wonder how they will be able to complete their design approvals and sign their contracts. Rest assured, we are full steam ahead and Archadeck of Central SC is here for you.

We are open for business.
With this in mind, we want you to understand that the health and safety of our team and the public at large is very important to us. While we will adhere to any current and future mandates by counties and the state of South Carolina, we are absolutely able to conduct business. Here’s how we will move through the COVID-19 crisis with our clients.
>Stay updated regarding COVID-19 in SC: HERE
We design and build outdoor living spaces – which is beneficial during this pandemic.

As an outdoor living designer and builder, we can conduct business outside of your home without ever having to make face-to-face contact with you or your family members. We can visit your home at any time that is convenient for you, to take photos and measurements for your project while you stay safely indoors.
We are using Google Hangouts for teleconferencing.
We love visiting and meeting with new clients, but during this time we can “meet” via Google Hangouts for design presentations. We are also using teleconferencing to finalize contract documentation for clients with contracts in-process. Teleconferencing will help everyone stay safely in their own space. It allows us to continue taking on new clients and to service those who already have reached out to us.

You can sign your project documents electronically.
If we have documentation that requires your signature during any phase of your project, including design approvals and contracts, you can sign electronically. Getting an e-signature is a quick and easy way to keep the ball rolling and eliminates the need for face-to-face contact or for documentation to physically change hands.

Archadeck of Central South Carolina would like to encourage everyone to continue to keep themselves and their family members safe and healthy during this time. The COVID-19 crisis is ever-evolving and we will continue to work for our clients to keep their projects going while following safety mandates. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Are you ready to move on with your new outdoor living project? Get in touch with us for a teleconference design consultation. Just give us a call at (803) 784-1566 or drop us an email at centralsc@archadeck.net.

The Archadeck of Central SC team – Mike Reu, Marshall Reu and Tucker Reu.