Archadeck of Central SC will be at the Columbia Home Building & Remodeling Expo at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center this weekend! Come see us and let us help you bring your outdoor living dreams to life!

If improving your existing outdoor living space or adding a new one is something that has been on your mind, we know how you can learn more about both! Spring will be here before you know it, so now is the time to start planning for your anticipated outdoor living space addition!

Visit our exhibitor booth filled with inspiring outdoor living space design ideas and samples of materials you can not only see, but touch and feel. You can look through our portfolio of completed projects and talk one-on-one with our talented outdoor living space designers about your project. Archadeck of Central SC will be located in booth #607.

Be our guest at the show! CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR 2 FREE TICKETS for the show on your mobile device at the door for FREE admission to the 2020 Columbia Home Building & Remodeling Expo
Come by and see us at the show. You won’t be disappointed. Whether you are a new homeowner or have lived in your home for years, anyone with an interest in updating, enhancing, or creating a new look or amenity for their home and landscape will enjoy the event.
It all happens January 10-12, 2020, so make plans to visit the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center for the Home Building & Remodeling Expo! This all-encompassing event will surely put you on the path towards making your dream home (and back yard) a reality.

Don’t let this chance pass you by. We look forward to meeting you at the expo this weekend. You can also contact Archadeck of Central SC to learn more about our timeless outdoor living space designs anytime at (803) 784-1566

The Archadeck of Central SC team – Mike Reu, Marshall Reu and Tucker Reu