Yet our deck is the room right outside our back door and we let that become an abandoned old rickety un-functional room in our house. Yet, it’s the only room in our house where we can feel the breeze. It’s the only room in our house where we can smell the fresh air. It’s the only room in our house with tremendous natural lighting which is so good for physical and mental well-being.
I think a lot of times we put off getting our decks up to snuff because we fear the price of such an upgrade. But now is really the best time to get a quote. We’re going into 2011 and we will make a lot of new spending decisions. We may again decide to put off a vacation even though we annually have some money earmarked for it. We can put that toward upgrading the vacation spot in our back yard. We may put off getting a newer car even though we had some money budgeted for it. The reason we may put these types of things off is because the return on these investments is slim-to-none. At this point in the economy, we can’t afford to spend unless it’s an investment. The return on this investment is high financially and otherwise.

Go ahead and get a quote and a design from a professional who can help you envision the right outdoor space for you. These homeowners in Chadd’s Ford PA had the type of deck we’ve been talking about. It was just too small and it was very old and run down.
Juan Cardona at Archadeck of Chester County worked with this family to design a bigger deck that also had a nice area for shade so they could enjoy the room outside their back door both in moderate and direct sun conditions.
Here’s a note from Juan Cardona
“These homeowners were looking for a larger deck than what they had which was 12’X14’ and very square. They wanted to work with a newer material (no wood) for low maintenance. They originally wanted a porch attached to the house on top of the deck, but the house configuration did not allow for what they wanted. I suggested that she consider a free-standing gazebo as an option and this is what we finished up with.”

The new deck materials are Timbertech Desert Bronze PVC decking with Timbertech radiance Railing with aluminum balusters from Deckorators.

If you live in the Chester County PA area and you’re considering a new backyard project or want to have a free consultation, call Juan Cardona. Phone: (610) 696 – 3340. Or email: chesterco@archadeck.net. Visit http://chester-county.archadeck.com/ or visit their Facebook page.
James commented “I really love how you refer to decks as “vacation spot in our back yard.” That’s so true! So why not take the time and make the investment to make it as great as it can be? The project that Juan Cardona did with the free standing pergola is beautiful! I’m sure the homeowners are loving it!”