So, you have made the decision to build a Nashville low-maintenance deck. Or maybe you are considering redecking your existing deck using synthetic decking. Whichever is the case you’ve started to do some research and you’ve probably realized that there are quite a few options. Not only are there different brands such as TimberTech and AZEK; but there are different types of synthetics that offer different benefits at different prices.
While most synthetic decking manufacturers have a good, better and best selections; It is important to know the differences between each genre of synthetic. These are composite, capstock and solid PVC.

— Nashville low-to-grade composite deck
Nashville Composite Decks
The first low-maintenance decking to come out was called composite because it was composed of a combination of synthetic resin combined with wood fibers. As you can image, there are many different ways a composite can be made. Composites first made their debut on the scene about 20 or so years ago, early composites had some problems with mold but those problems are long in the past. Today’s composite decking manufacturers have identified the right mix of materials to create a great decking board and many come with 25 and even 30-year warranties. These warranties may differ only a little from one manufacturer to the next but the protection afforded by the warranties protect against material defects and the aging woes of wood including checking, splitting, splintering, rotting or fungal decay. There is one protection that the upper-end composites enjoy which is their warrantied stain and fade protection.

Nashville PVC Decks
If a composite deck is a good option, PVC is one of the best options. Here at Archadeck of Nashville, we recommend AZEK PVC decking. As mentioned above, just like composite, PVC decking warranties include protection against material checking, splitting, splintering, rotting, termite attacks, fungal decay and even warrantied protection against fading and staining. What’s the drawback? You guessed it – price. Because there are no natural fibers, all of these protections can be afforded and warrantied. But synthetic resin (solid PVC) is a good bit more expensive than synthetics made up of wooden fibers. This top of the line synthetic product does come with a top of the line pricing module.

Nashville Capstock Composite Decks
Capstock is a composite board capped with PVC so you get the best of both worlds. The price? As you expected, the price is in the middle but not that much higher than composite. Here in Nashville, our recommendation for capstock decking is the TimberTech Terrain, Legacy or Tropical Collection. TimberTech is a high-quality synthetic decking company and their capstock is wrapped in PVC on all four sides, meaning they’re protected from moisture that seeps into the bottom side of the competition’s products.

The advantages of both solid PVC and wrapped PVC products include reducing the amount of maintenance required by the homeowner, and more specifically a decrease in the amount of cleaning required to keep the deck looking new.

Always keep in mind low-maintenance does not mean no maintenance. Meaning everyday messes that are common with outdoor living still need to be addressed. This includes drops and splatters common when preparing food outdoors or during outdoor dining. Anything spilled or smeared or sprinkled upon your synthetic deck will need to be removed. If your dog drags mud across your deck, it will need to be cleaned up with water and possibly a gentle sponge. If your hamburger or hot dog share some ketchup or mustard with your deck, you’ll want to wipe them up the same way you would on your kitchen floor.

— For synthetics to perform their best, just remember to wipe up spills!
Hopefully, this information will quell any confusion about the difference genres of synthetic materials. Our goal here at Archadeck of Nashville is to provide you with all the information you need to make the best decision when choosing the material that bests suits your needs and budget for your new or improved Nashville deck!
If you are thinking about a low-maintenance deck addition, or redecking project, contact us today at (615) 640-3628, or contact us online.