Archadeck of Charlotte has built many custom outdoor fire features over the years. We all know that outdoor fireplaces and fire pits serve many functions in outdoor living. They can be beautiful stone focal points in any outdoor living design, and bring warmth and ambiance when in use. Maybe you are considering adding a fire feature to your new porch, deck, or patio. Have you thought about whether you prefer wood-burning or gas?
Archadeck of Charlotte will first create your outdoor living design to include a fire feature, which adheres to your local building and usage codes. Depending on where you reside, fire pits and outdoor fireplaces will have to be built a certain distance from your home’s structure. There may also be rules dictating whether you can have a wood-burning fire feature in your outdoor space. We will provide all pertinent planning information, specific to your home and locale. When it comes time to make the final call, which will you choose?

Custom gas fire pit by Archadeck of Charlotte

Pros and Cons of a Wood-Burning Outdoor Fireplace or Fire Pit
Wood-Burning Fireplaces and Fire Pits Offer a Classic Open Fire Ambiance
It almost goes without saying that a wood-burning outdoor fire feature is the ultimate in fiery ambiance. Wood gives you the mesmerizing combination of crackling and dancing flames.
Wood-Burning Fire Features Are More Work
Though you might long for the classic outdoor fire with real wood, you might not like the clean-up post-fire. Also, you might not wish to split or purchase fire wood for your wood-burning fireplace or fire pit. Wood-burning fires can inherently have ash escape the confines of the fire box, which will entail sweeping or spraying off your patio, deck, or porch after you have had a fire. If you are looking for low-maintenance, wood-burning might not be right for you!
Pros and Cons of a Gas-Burning Outdoor Fireplace or Fire Pit
Gas Outdoor Fire Features Are Convenient
Using your gas-burning outdoor fireplace or fire pit will entail less planning. You can enjoy an impromptu visit to your favorite outdoor living space, and have flames at the literal push of a button. You can control the height of the flames just as easily. When you’re ready to go inside, you simply turn off your fire, rather than having to extinguish it.
Gas-Burning Outdoor Fireplaces and Fire Pits Are No Muss, No Fuss
Since you will not have to cut, purchase, store, or burn fire wood, there is much less of a fuss all-around for a gas-burning fire feature. You will not have to stack or store fire wood, sweep wood debris, or perform any ash clean-up after you have a fire. If you are a neat freak, even for your outdoor living area, a gas burning fire feature could be right for you!
Outdoor Burning Safety Tips and Information
We urge anyone in the Charlotte area, who wishes to use an outdoor fireplace or fire pit, to research their county and city level burning rules for recreational fires. Most municipalities do not allow the burning of garbage on Charlotte area properties. It is essential for the safety of your home, surrounding homes, and wildlife that recreational fires be handled with the utmost care.

Custom fire pit by Archadeck of Charlotte
See Outdoor Burning Information for Surrounding Areas:
Mecklenburg Fire Marshal’s Office recreational fire guidelines
Charlotte Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau recreational fire guidelines
Huntersville Fire Department outdoor burning and grilling regulations

Wood-Burning Fire Feature Safety Tips:
- Have a method for extinguishment available at all times during burning
- Never leave a fire unattended
- Do not burn paper, cardboard, or other waste in your wood-burning fire pit or fireplace
- Try to avoid burning softer woods, such as pine, as they tend to pop more, running the risk of embers escaping into other areas
- Never use gas, lighter fluid, or other fire expectorants
- Do not leave the area until the fire is 100% extinguished
If you are considering adding a new porch, deck, or patio with a custom stone outdoor fireplace of fire pit, Archadeck of Charlotte can guide you to your perfect selection! Give us a call at (704) 850-6104.