How much should a composite deck cost? This blog is going to give you great insight into how to determine this answer accurately.
First, it is not as simple as a “square foot” cost as you would think. Here are the questions that need to be answered to give you a true estimate:
1. Size of the deck
2. Height of the ground
3. Rail system wanted
4. Any pattern or border?
5. Which of the composite deck products do you want?
Depending on your answer, the price can vary greatly. When people call our office at Archadeck of Charlotte and ask what we charge per square foot for a composite deck, we simply cannot give an accurate answer without determining this additional information. An example as to why? If you want for example to have your deck boards laid on a diagonal, it will be necessary to install floor joists 12" on center as opposed to 16" on center which will drive the cost up. Once this information is determined, it is easy to provide an accurate price! For more information, go to www.porchlifestyle.com