Getting started with a new outdoor living project now, instead of later, could be just what you need to feel grounded during these unique times. It’s something positive you can control simply by making a phone call to set up a design consultation with Archadeck of Central GA. If you’re like many homeowners, spending more time at home now has made you more aware of the need for more outdoor living space. This is the best time to follow through and get the ball rolling on that new or improved backyard retreat you have been yearning for!

Many homeowners have taken a wait-and-see approach. They’ve canceled vacations, business trips, and birthday parties. Both during 9-11 and the Great Recession, we saw demand slow for a short period and then explode as everyone realized this was not Armageddon. Those who waited, unfortunately, saw longer delays in starting and slightly higher prices as they were on the wrong side of the curve

In our business of designing and building outdoor living structures, we anticipate we’ll see a bigger-than-usual surge of homeowners wanting to get started sometime this summer. There’s definitely pent up demand out there as homeowners are postponing their outdoor living space projects. Without the proverbial crystal ball, we can’t predict exactly when the floodgates will open. What we do know is that we cannot build everyone’s projects at once!

Those homeowners who contact us sooner are the ones who’ll have a greater likelihood of completing their project this year. The sooner we connect and talk about designing the backyard space you have in mind, the sooner we can add your project to our construction calendar. As you’re probably aware, we need time to create and finalize your project design and order materials. Depending on your project, we may need to obtain permits and HOA approval. Each step in the process takes time. Moving ahead now brings you that much closer to the goal: enjoying your new backyard retreat, one that’s custom-built to your specifications.

At some point, likely sooner than later, we’re going to see a backlog of projects as our calendar fills up. While most reputable contractors have a backlog during the busy seasons, we feel the situation will be more extreme this year. We’re giving you a gentle nudge now because we don’t want your deck, porch, or your screened porch project to be delayed. Clients who don’t act soon may find themselves waiting until 2021 to see their projects completed.

If you’ve had to cancel a vacation this spring or summer, can you use your time at home to recharge? Sure you can! Think of how much you’ll enjoy having a “staycation-worthy” outdoor living space in your back yard. We can design and build the perfect private retreat at your home. Don’t be surprised if you decide to vacation at home again next year, as well!
Archadeck of Central GA is now taking appointments and giving clients the option of a virtual design consultation. We’re using video conferencing for meetings and electronic signatures for contracts as an option for our valued clients.
Make 2020 the year you leap from dreaming about it to making it happen!
Archadeck of Central GA is your local premier designer and builder of beautiful, high-quality outdoor living spaces. If you are interested in learning how we can design the perfect outdoor living space for your home, call us today at (478) 241-8406.

Stephen Denton, owner Archadeck of Central Georgia.