Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the world observe Saint Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green. This Sunday, the Halifax parade will travel down Lower Water Street, click here for more info.
Pantone Inc. is known worldwide as the standard for colour manufacturing. Since 2000, they’ve declared a “colour of the year” where fashion designers, florists, interior and graphic designers use the colour to guide their planning and products.
This year GREEN is where it’s at. PANTONE 15-0343 Greenery to be precise is a “springy yellow-green shade that evokes feelings of the great outdoors”.

Also, don’t forget that this weekend the clocks SPRING FORWARD! While it takes some people more time to adjust to time changes, there’s no denying that it brings more light to the evenings and gives renewed hope that Spring is just around the corner.
So while Spring and the colour GREEN is on our minds, we wanted to talk about how you can incorporate the bright, fun colour to your outside spaces.
Built-in planters for seasonal foliage and built-in benches allow plenty of additional seating and a place to display colourful cushions. Sunrooms, screened rooms and covered porches can be spruced up with a fresh coat of paint or comfy new furniture.
Green can really brighten and refresh your mood – it symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. So, we’ve pulled some photos from our site and Pinterest to give you some inspiration of how you can bring green to your outdoor spaces.
Archadeck Porch

Built in planters and greenery

Outdoor kitchens and porches

Sunrooms and front porches

Outdoor accents