At Archadeck Outdoor Living, we love creating the perfect outdoor living spaces for our clients. Not only are no two clients a like, but there are no two properties that are exactly alike as well. Creating a beautiful and functional patio or deck design is something our Archadeck teams take great pride in. If you’re looking to enhance your outdoor living spaces, here are a few things to consider:
1. Your Home’s Architecture
A great porch, patio or deck design should fit seamlessly into the overall look and feel of your home. For instance, an ultra-modern deck might look out of place with a traditional colonial home. The shape, structure and finishes of your new addition should complement the existing architecture. Of course, there’s always exceptions to the “rules” and sometimes mixing styles can add interest and an unexpected touch. However, this would need to be well thought out so that it doesn’t look like it’s been “slapped on” as an afterthought.

2. Your Home’s Finishes
The finishes of your home should play a role in choosing the materials and finishes of your new deck or patio. For example, if you have a brick home, adding a brick patio would probably overwhelm the space. By breaking up lines and adding different, yet complimentary materials you add texture and visual interest. By continuing the same roof material over the new structure, or matching the deck skirting to the window frames of the home, you give the new project a cohesive look.

3. Your Property
The property itself will play a major role in the design and construction of any outdoor living space, especially for properties on a hill or slope. The size also plays a role, smaller yards call for smaller or smarter design. Each property is unique, so the possibilities are endless!

4. Function is Everything
At the end of the day, if a space doesn’t work for its intend used, it will not get used much. During your design consultation with Archadeck, you’ll be asked how you would like to use your yard, entertaining, dining, reading, cooking, etc. With its use in mind, your designer can create a space with a form and flow to fit the function.

If you’re interested in a new design for your backyard, please reach out and we’ll set up a free in-home design consultation.