Some of our clients come to us with their hearts set on having sunrooms no matter what. Some individuals are more cautious and want to be sure they understand how adding a sunroom will affect their home’s value. Our goal is to help you gather more information before you commit to adding a sunroom to your home. We at Archadeck of Suburban Boston can help you with that process.
Before you assess the value of adding a sunroom to your home, consider a few basic questions

Is a Sunroom a Good Investment?
A sunroom from Archadeck of Suburban Boston can be an excellent investment for homeowners. A sunroom may increase your home’s value in more ways than one. We look at this potential return on investment in three categories or elements: financial, practical, and emotional.
Financial Return on Investment
Your financial ROI will depend on how long you stay in your home after adding your sunroom. The longer you are in the home, the greater your financial ROI.

How do you assess the value of adding a sunroom to your home? According to the Remodeling 2014 Cost vs. Value Report, you can expect to recoup 52% of a midrange sunroom investment in the first year. This figure is specific to New England, which is important to know because the Remodeling cost vs. value varies by region. Each subsequent year, you should see another increase in value based on inflation.
Actual return on investment will vary depending on comparable home values in your neighborhood. When you do list your home for sale, you will probably find your home gets more attention than comparable homes without a sunroom.
Practical Return on Investment
A sunroom can be quite versatile and adds value to your home in a purely practical sense. A TV room, a game room, a room for crafts, puzzles, or projects – homeowners find many practical uses for a sunroom. You can go there to read, watch the birds, and watch nature’s seasonal changes unfold day by day. What better place to unwind and read a book while sipping from a cup of your favorite tea?
You’ll find you love your new sunroom so much it becomes your favorite room. How do we know this? Because we will custom-design your sunroom specifically to meet your needs and tastes. We do this for every sunroom client. You’ll enjoy just being in your sunroom.
Emotional Return on Investment
How do you put a price on the sheer enjoyment of sitting in a light-filled room as you watch a cardinal feed her chicks outside your window? A sunroom will increase the pleasure you get from your home. The light available in your sunroom in the winter may even be an antidote for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a seasonal form of depression. Emotionally, a sunroom will bring great value to your family in terms of enjoyment.
Value-added living
A sunroom can bring you even more value each time winter rolls back around. In this part of the country, porches and decks will sit unused for part of each year. If you want an outdoor living space you can use year-round, your best option will be an insulated, climate-controlled sunroom.
Is a sunroom worth the money? Each homeowner must answer this question for himself or herself. Based on feedback from our clients at Archadeck of Suburban Boston, the answer is yes.