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When is the best time to build a sunroom in Kansas City?

We field a lot of questions about building throughout the year. One of the more common is, “when is the best time to build my sunroom?”

People are juggling all kinds of plans and home maintenance issues these days that may conflict with a major building project if not planned correctly. Frequently we hear about people who plan to rework landscaping, repaint their house, or install a new roof at about the same time they plan to build a sunroom or screened porch. All of these projects can cause issues with construction of an outdoor room or porch addition and need care in planning. Proper planning can save both money and time in the building process, depending upon the other projects to be done. It is very important to consider how each type of project may interact with the room or porch project, no matter if it is a screened porch, sunroom, room addition, or three season room.

Dining area on custom sunroom
Kansas City sunroom by Archadeck of Kansas City

In general with some exceptions, all of the above project types should be scheduled after the outdoor room is completed. In the case of re-roofing, it may very well save money if the roofing job is coordinated with the roofing on the new addition. Landscaping improvements should always be planned after the addition is completed, to fully allow for design of the new room and to minimize damage to any landscaping while building.

Exterior view of custom sunroom and deck
Lees Summit MO sunroom by Archadeck of Kansas City

Additionally here in Kansas City, we frequently answer questions about the best time of the year to build. Many consumers are under the impression that outdoor building can only be done in the summer. We usually build 11-12 months out of the year, and there are some advantages to planning your project in the early spring or late fall.

Cozy custom sunroom with dining area
Olathe KS sunroom by Archadeck of Kansas City

Since the planning and building permit process can take up to 30 days, depending upon the city, it is always wise to allow 30-60 days prior to the actual desired building time when making decisions. In addition heavy rains in the warmer months can actually slow down the building process more than cooler weather does. If you have multiple projects in mind, always consult with your builder about the best sequence for the projects to save time and money.

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Are you ready to discuss building a sunroom in the Kansas City area? Get in touch with our award-winning designers for a design consultation at (913) 704-6240.
